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The Glutton

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Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew

written on Sunday, March 29, 2015 @ 11:52 AM ♥

Dear Mr Lee Kuan Yew,

Today we mourn the 7th day since your passing and it has been a sad journey for the whole of Singapore.

I am borned in the 1980s and eventhough I did not watch you emerge as the Prime Minister, or even during your years as the Prime Minister of Singapore, I grew up enjoying the fruits of your labour.

Growing up, we were never rich to say but had enough to make a living and we never have to worry about our basic necessities. We had a 4-room HDB for shelter, water from the tap to drink, both my parents have jobs to survive and my brother and I started school since Kindergarten. I complained and whined as a child whenever my mother refuses to buy me the a Gameboy or Tamogochi, however I never knew that back in her time (until recently), that she played with dolls made of rags and catches tadpoles in river in her kampong.

Things were vastly different in her time so both my parents were very frugal in the early days of my childhood for fear that one day, things will change back again.

But things never did change back again. Just as you have promised in 1977:

"This was a mudflat, a swamp.
Today, it is a modern city.
And 10 years from now on, it will be a metropolis - never fear!"

My only regret is that I did not care enough to learn, understand and appreciate Singapore's history until your passing, when the many articles/news/speeches started surfacing online. These few days, I have read and watched on both your life and Singapore's history, and even with that, I am uncertain if this is even half of what had happened so far.

For that, I am deeply ashamed of how eventhough I reap the many benefits of the system, I did not stop to listen in on what is going on around me.

For now on, I will try.

You have my word.

Thank you for your commitment in guilding Singapore to where we are now.

I have come to admire your wits and confidence in looking forward when times were tough. Your dedication to work is especially touching when I read through Mr Heng Swee Keat's article on your red box

I have come to respect your integrity and pragmatic approach when governing. Your determination to root out corruption from the start has benefitted the whole of modern Singapore.

I have come to adore the loving and faithful side of you for your soulmate and spouse, Madam Kwa Geok Choo. My favourite is when you kiss your fingers and implants them on your wife twice when sending her off for the last time. Your daughter, Miss Lee Wei Ling, also wrote a touching piece on your love for each other which made me teared.

Last but not least, I have come to feel proud that I am a Singaporean. Recently, my parents and I joined the Great Singapore queue to pay our respects to you at the Parliament and I cannot be prouder to be there to experience the Singapore Spirit. So many of us chipped in to care, share and provide as much as everyone can, in such little ways that astonished even the critics. I have never felt so much warmth in Sunny Singapore before and I sincerely thank you for uniting Singapore for one last time.

I have a million 'Thank You's that I would like to say to you but I know the best way to show my gratitude is to continue working hard for Singapore. To continue your legacy and protect what you have built up over the years.

For one last time, thank you.

May you rest in peace.

With Love,
Hui Xian

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