The Glutton
Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic. Values family ties and friendships. In love with vanilla ice cream. + follow | email | instagram | twitter
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A job is not just a job
written on Thursday, July 10, 2014 @ 1:29 AM ♥
I've been very obsessed with my desktop wallpaper at work recently! ITS SO CUTE!! This Minion looks so full of hope and happiness haahaha. Every morning I will turn on my computer, admire it for a few seconds then get to work. And whenever someone comes to my desk I will happily clear my screen and show to the person. Nothing much on my desk yet because I heard we're moving to a new office. With that, I shall keep calm and not bring too much barang till we move. I'm finally feeling pretty comfortable in my job and this means that it's back to being the old me where I can walk around to mingle with colleagues, share food happily and plan what good food to have for lunch in the morning. Doing what you enjoy and having a bunch of supportive and clickable colleagues is really important!! This is in contrast to my previous workplace where I was having a hard time trying to fit in with the older colleagues who like talk about parenting/news plus forced to do account servicing. I tried very hard to fit in and get used to it but it was quite a difficult time. During which I have to decide whether I should job hunt again, when decided I have to spam resumes to potential companies, answer insane amount of phone calls from recruiters and prep myself for interviews - all while balancing a full time job. However, none of all this can be compared to how terrible you feel because of the insecurities of your current job (to leave? But pay okay, so not to leave? But shit occurs, so to leave? But so near my house... SO 你到底要怎样!). Quitting a job is really no easy feat because changes are scary. Which is why it takes a lot of faith, and most importantly for the job to push you to a breaking point, before you take the leap. This leap sucks and I hate it. I hate the instability, the stress, the emotional times and how tiring it is. But with every leap you learn a little more, grow a little more and hopefully... Pay increases a little more! :) (posts adapted from my Dayre - http://dayre.me/gluttoncotton/sAh2sRtzQx) Labels: Colleagues, Job, Job Hunting, Work 0 comment[s] | back to top |