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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic.
Values family ties and friendships.
In love with vanilla ice cream.

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Travelogue: Relax and Have Fun in Bali (2)

written on Wednesday, May 28, 2014 @ 11:41 PM ♥

- Bali part (1) -

Rise and shine Bali!

Day 2 of Bali and we could choose to have our compliementary breakfast sent to our room or head out to the restuarant and enjoy it there.

The best part of this is that the breakfast menu allows you to choose from Japanese-style food to Indonesian or Chinese/Western etc. All of which we've tried and the best is no surprise - IndoMie Goreng!

Who doesn't love IndoMie!!

And off we go for some fun and games by the beach!

Perfect day for water sports!

We are actually suckers for water sports for we bought a package that includes banana boat, jet-skiing, parasailing and sea-walking. AND we even agreed to top up USD$25 for a guy to take pictures/video of us while we were doing all that hhahahaha!

Turns out most of the pictures look like the below:

Tons of photos like this featuring Joy because she sits in front hhahaha!

Uncle looks fierce but is in fact the friendiest one there!

Suited up and ready to go! Joy is actually super scared of fishes but willing to force herself for me!

No pictures of us parasailing because we were in the skies, duh!

Overall, we had a good time and the people there were all so friendly and helpful la! But we didn't enjoy the sea walking though because I was having trouble unblocking my ears underwater and have to battle with one blocked and painful ear while Joy is afraid of fishes lol! She passed all her bread to me so I have to feed with both hands and away from her. (we also have a video of this which is hilarious HAHAHAHA)

Lunch is included in the package and we gulped it down like hungry ghosts.

Chanced upon a stall selling personalised keychains and bracelets so I got myself a keychain in the shape of a surfboard while Joy got herself a bracelet.

We reached our hotel earlier than planned and had time to kill before horse riding at 4pm, so we went to eat (again) and booked a massage. Totally enjoying life man.

The 3 types of massage oil for you to choose from - jasmine, lemon grass and ginger.

Then it was time to go for Horse Riding, which was nicely scheduled at 4pm because we wanted to catch the sunset!

See blackie over there, this doggy stayed with us throughout the horse ride haha! Try spotting him in my flood of pictures.

We were along this amazing stretch of beach where you can see people surfing and dogs running around.

Foot prints, paw prints and hoof prints on the beach.

We chose the perfect time for horse riding because all of this happened while the sun was setting. My camera does no justice to portray the beauty of the sunset against the horizon but it was a truly memorable experience for me.

- to be continued -

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