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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
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The Great Singapore Queue

written on Friday, March 27, 2015 @ 11:00 PM ♥

4PM // Started in good spirits and mentally prepared for 10 hour queue.

440PM // First waiting zone - Assigned a tent and sitting around Padang, it was cooling and nice to be able to sit. We were told to make ourselves comfortable because the wait here will be about 1 -2 hours. Ground staff and volunteers started giving out drinks, snacks and offering to collect our trash.

510PM // We moved towards the underground for Esplanade.

550PM // Toilet break at Esplanade then continue walking to Floating Platform. Can see MBS!

Thank you, whoever you are, for the loaning everyone the huge umbrellas!

630PM // Second waiting zone - sitting inside the Floating Platform's carpark. Everyone around me is amazingly still in good spirits. Just feeling hot.

We get to sit so I get to eat the QQrice I packed for us as dinner here. Yum.

7PM // Moved out of Floating Platform to U-turn towards Padang again lol. At least the sun is setting hurray!

730PM // An Ang Moh walking around Esplanade area asked the people infront of us if there is a rock concert nearby lol! That totally cracked my mum up.

The guys explained to him that it's to pay respect to our Founding Father.

8PM // In front of Victoria Concert hall. 4 hours into the queue. Wah tired liao shit. My backpack is getting lighter with every drink/food we consume but it feels heavier zzzz. Hope my parents can take it.

830PM // Someone lost a member of their group so everyone helped to shout 'Zi Hui! Zi Hui!!' and she made her way through the crowd to reunite with them.

Everyone is just so smiley, friendly and nice while queueing, albeit with complains.

Niceee one Fullerton.

915PM // After you see the parliament, everything happens very fast. You enter and exit in less than 5 mins.

A quick bow to Mr Lee and you gotta move on to avoid jamming the queue.

Total queue time: 5h 15 mins. Phew.

The longest queue I've ever queued but quite an efficient and comfortable one. Food, drinks and umbrellas are readily available any time you want. Volunteers are always walking around to collect your rubbish. Toilets strategically placed. Ground personnels always ready to explain the current queue time or what's happening.

A genuine touch by volunteers and personnels to help those who really want to send Mr Lee off. Glad that the public is pretty generous with their 'Thank you's to everyone helping out as well.

Singapore feels very warm today; and Singaporeans too.

What is also eye-opening is that we're also witnessing a different side of Singapore we never thought existed.

For those who say that Singaporeans are spoiled, selfish, always complaining and mercenary, what would they make of what's happening now: tens of thousands, soon-to-be hundreds, and possibly a million before the week is out, queueing for hours in the hot sun without a peep of disgruntlement. No one told them to do it. There are no freebies at the end of this queue. There are no goodie bags to be had, no fancy aerial displays, no ballot sheets to tick, no certificates of participation awaiting.

Yet there is nothing but stoic contemplation, a people united by sadness but at the same time, an amazing, totally unscripted display of goodwill and community. People are chipping in to help with free water, flowers, food and general kindness for one's fellow man. Without any expectations of reward or publicity - just plain human decency.

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