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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic.
Values family ties and friendships.
In love with vanilla ice cream.

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Rejuvenating the windows to my soul with MegRhythm

written on Friday, August 15, 2014 @ 3:15 PM ♥

Lately, I've been seeing MegRhythm's Steam Eye Mask around whenever I popped by any Watsons/Guardian stores and my itchy fingers have been wanting to grab a pack home to try!

Tell me this picture doesn't make you want to run to your bed right now

I was half attracted by the girl in the picture who looks so relaxed and peaceful plus looking for a product that can rejuvenate my over-worked preppers.  (x_x)

I believe most of us face the computer/phone/TV for at least 8 hours a day (damn you work! but love you, my k dramas :) and I think that's definitely too much for eyes eventhough we don't feel it on a day-to-day basis.

That is until I pay a visit to the optician for a new pair of spectacles and to no one's surprise, my degrees increased again. Hence I think it's highly important that we start taking care of our eyes before it gets a point when it's too late for regrets.

One part of it is finding the time to relax our eyes and MegRhythm's Steam Eye Mask is worth a try!

Eye mask looks too cute and girly! Once opened, MegRhythm's Steam Eye Mask warms up to a comfortable 40°C which slowly envelops your eyes.

I particularly liked the fact that there are ear loops for me to hook around my ears because I'm a side-sleeper. This means that I can truely relaxed and toss and turn wherever I like without worrying about the position of the mask because I am super unglam once I fall into deep sleep.

As the eye mask gradually heats up, my eyes are treated to a warm steam bath which is pretty soothing though a little uncomfortable at first. Once I get used to the heat, it actually feels like placing a warm towel over my eyes and is pretty chillaxing.

Check out what really happens in the video below:

Let it sit around for 10 minutes and I feel it actually helps you to relax and sleep better.

If you're a scent-lover, you would be happy to know that they come in 3 different scents; OR if you're not a scent-lover, they have unscented ones too!

Available in four variants (scents):
Fresh Rose, Lavender, Chamomile and Unscented

Go ahead and get request for a free sample at http://web.kao.com/sg/megrhythm or simple head there for more information on MegRhythm Steam Eye Mask.

In addition to that, stand a chance to win a relaxtion kit worth $50 when you join their Instagram contest! When you:
  • Follow @MegRhythmSG on Instagram
  • Share a photo of yourself using #MegRhythm Steam Eye Mask in the most unique position and state what you like about it
  • Tag @MegRhythmSG and hashtag #MegRhythm in your caption

Good luck!

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