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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
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Waking up to Healthy Bed Hair with Essential

written on Monday, July 28, 2014 @ 1:34 PM ♥

It's every girl's dream to wake up with a sexy bedhead...

Look at those effortlessly tousled fluffy hair. Smooth, fluffy but not frizzy.

For a few lucky ones, a night of tossing and turning around in bed totally worked in their favour and they looked so sexy and cute fresh out of bed.

But there are also the unlucky ones, me included, who looked like super messed up after a night of tossing and turning in bed.

I never knew the reason for this until I came across Essential's new Leave-On Treatment Range which protects our hair from pillow damage!

Essential Leave-On Treatment Milk (100ml)
Retail Price: $11.90
For over-night intensive repair.

Essential Leave-On Hair Serum (60ml)
Retail Price: $11.90
For all day instant repair.

So the main reason for all this frizziness is because of pillow damage which to be honest never came across my mind.

I always thought it's a natural thing for my hair to be all frizzled up every morning and hello there, the culprit for my bad bedhead - Ms Toss!

Tried Essential Leave-On Treatment Milk on a Friday night so I can look good on a Saturday morning for myself lol. Just pump an appropriate amount of the product onto your palm, apply it evenly onto towel-dried/damp hair and go to bed!

My thoughts after application is that it's non-greasy (you can feel the greasiness or none-of-it on your palms after application) which I like, because my skin is very sensitive to hair oils. Whenever I apply any leave-on hair serum/oil overnight, I tend to wake up with a few zits here and there because of it. Glad that this doesn't happen the next morning!

Here's a look at my hair the night before using Essential and the next morning after using Essential:

Hair looks better the next morning after applying the leave-on treatment for a night and as you can see from the pictures - hair is less frizzy, looks flowy and feels smoother! Plus point is that it smells good too! A tinge of floral scent but not too overwhelming.
(Colour of the photos differs slightly because one is taken under fluorescent light and the other under sunlight hence it's a little more saturated.)

Gonna apply this regularly and hope that with frizziness out of the way now, I will wake up with a sexy bedhead one day. :D

If you are keen on trying before buying, head over to http://on.fb.me/1hUqJoA to get your free sample of Essential Sleeping Hair Mask today!

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