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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic.
Values family ties and friendships.
In love with vanilla ice cream.

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Travelogue: Places to go and things to eat in Taipei (1)

written on Monday, June 2, 2014 @ 10:56 PM ♥

My recent to Taipei has been like a gastronomy trip for me because there is soooo much that was on our list of to-eat and places-to-go-to-eat haahahahaa!

Initially, our plans were to have regular meals and we would have street food or snacks in between... which didn't exactly worked out because there were too many things that we wanted to try. So instead of having regular meals, we had like 5 small meals everyday (or whenever we needed a rest) and we always only order one portion to share hehe.

Day 1: Ximending, Shi Da Night Market

We arrived in Tao Yuan International Airport at 6 am in the morning in a half drowsy and half hungry state. So glad the bus station was a breeze to find - just one level down the arrival hall and we immediately bought tickets for the next Guo Guang Ke Yun (国光客运) Bus 1819 out to Taipei Main Station.

This website helps a lot if you have no idea what bus you can take that stops at a place that's the nearest to your hotel: http://www.taoyuan-airport.com/english/Buses

The site is so informative that it even shows the timings of the buses so you can decide beforehand which bus you want to catch to save time.

This is definitely A LOT cheaper than taking a cab to your hotel straight.

125 TWD for a one hour trip to Taipei Main Station MRT

This ticket is valid for buses of any timings so you can even buy a two way ticket for your return back. (which we forgot to do so -_-)

Got an Onigiri for breakfast from the convenient store nearby while waiting for our bus! 

Sit back, relax and enjoy the view with my breakfast in hand. Then a little struggle here and there to get to the MRT station before we finally got to our hotel to put down our luggage. Check-in time was 3pm so we had 6 hours to spare before we could jump into a warm snuggly bed zzz.

Headed over to a popular place for traditional soya bean milk and dough sticks (豆浆油条) breakfast since we have tons of time to spare to wait in the rumoured-to-be crazy queue.

Fu Hang Soya Bean Menu

Fu Hang Soya Bean (阜杭豆漿)
2F, No.108, Section 1, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei, Taiwan
Shandao Temple Station exit 5 – second floor of a market
(just find the queue and you'll find the place)

This place is packed with tourists and locals no matter what time you choose to visit here.

So popular, they even have a picture directing the formation of the queue to prevent obstruction.

Clear window lets you see how your food is being prepared while you queue.

Soya bean milk, fried doughsticks, thick & thin egg crepe (豆浆,油条,厚饼夹蛋,薄饼夹蛋)

Thick egg crepe (蛋饼)

Got a seat with a view of 善道寺 on our second visit!

Be prepared to queue for about 30-45 minutes so don't come with a hungry stomach. Seats are also difficult to find so it would be good for one of you to stay in the queue while the other looks for seats. 

What I like was the piping hot old-school soya bean milk which was very different from the ones we have in Singapore. There's some white sugar on your spoon so stir in to sweeten or pour away if you like the original taste. You tiao (油条) rock socks too - oily but not overwhelming and is crispy and sweet. SUPER LOVE IT!

We're not particularly fond of both the egg crepes but the thick one tastes better because it's crispier and not as doughy as the thin egg crepe. My friend who recommend the place to me loves the egg crepe though so I think it's a personal preference.

All of them are really filling because they're all made of dough so take note not to over-order and share so you can try more.

It's an awesome breakfast to kick-start our first day in Taipei and it never fails to make me salivates everytime I chance upon these photos!

We walked around Ximending after that and checked into our hotel, Green World Hotel Zhong Hua as soon as the clock strikes 3.

Things that I love the hotel for:
- A short 5 minutes walk from Ximending station
- Has a convenient store below that sells everything
- Right beside the police station (if you have security issues hahhahaa)
- Whimsical decor

It's small but not squeezy and has everything you need. There's also this happy vibe whenever you step into the room because of the colours. No creepy feeling at all!

Got a hot shower, took a short nap before heading out to Shi Da Night Market (師大夜市).

Shi Da Night Market (師大夜市)
 Taipower Building Station (台電大樓)
Exit 3, make a right turn, then make another quick right to reach Shi Da Road (師大路)
The market is located along both Shi Da road and in the alleys off both sides.

Shi Da is our favourite night market out of all the ones that we've been to. The food is good and the shopping is great!! We were there on our first day and then back again on our last day hence it's where we bought most of our stuff from - bags, clothes, handphone covers... you name it.

My favourite smelly tofu!

This is gooood and freaking cheap.

We tried yet another crepe but with ham, cabbage and egg.

Waited for like 30 minutes but totally worth the wait!

Big friendly goldie came into a shop while we were shopping hehe.

Realised that Taiwam is a super dog-friendly country during our trip there.

We all know that Taiwanese are a friendly and considerate bunch but what I didn't know was that this is so even when it comes to dogs. At Shi Da, dogs will jump in out of shops and run all around but no one gives shit. In fact they make girls go 'awww' everytime a cute furry one interrupts their shopping. And yes. We're one of the girls too haha!

We shopped till 1030pm before heading back to our hotel with our stomach and hands full.  :)

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