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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic.
Values family ties and friendships.
In love with vanilla ice cream.

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Things you get to do when you have Time

written on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 @ 5:59 PM ♥

The grass is always greener on the other side.

And that is how contradicted I feel, as always.

How I would love to have all the time in the world to do things I like and then when you really do have it, I hope that Life can be a little more fulfilling and busy.

So here's something for the record in case I get busy again and my lousy brains forget how I spent and appreciate the time I have these days:

  • Quality time with my brother

Holla Amigo!

It's interesting how we don't talk or do much stuff together on Sundays eventhough we are always at home. Weekends are for me-time I guess; To finish up that drama series or to level up in a game (for his case) or most importantly, to catch up on our sleep debt.

But change the day to a weekday when you have to go get lunch yourself and things changes. Buying lunch then eating together makes us talk more, laugh more and just enjoy each other's company. Something that does not happens often because we ae so used to annoying the hell out of each other.

Totally appreciate times like this when I get to know more about his work, girlfriend and point of view... so I won't keep thinking he's an oddball lol. #siblingrivalry 

  • Time to keep fit

Sweaty Fun in the Yoga Studio

One important aspect of life that I always push aside because of time is exercise. To me, it is so difficult to pull myself out of wherever I am and drag myself to exercise. There are some who don't mind dropping by the gym after a tiring day at work, only to put in more sweat and hardwork on the treadmill - but that person is not me.

This means that whenever I'm busy, omg rejoice, because that's the perfect excuse to skip it! But I know, this is not beneficial for me at all. I could generally lose some weight, gain some muscles and just be healthier.

Hence now, there is no more excuse for those lazy bones. Yoga also makes me stronger in terms of endurance and focus so I am currently quite addicted to this shiok feeling which I have never had before!!

  • Time to pursue my hobbies

Homemade Sugee Cookies for Chinese New Year

Pork Ribs, Lotus Root, Peanut and Cuttlefish Soup

Reading, cooking and baking. All of which needs a lot of time.

Nothing beats having time to fully explore and try an ingredient, a new bake or a new book. Personal enjoyment which gives me a lot of satisfaction.

There are downsides to having a carefree lifestyle though so I hope this won't last for long. But days when I feel positive, this truly is a good life to have.

One that matters and feeds the soul.

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