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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic.
Values family ties and friendships.
In love with vanilla ice cream.

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To all the singles out there

written on Friday, February 14, 2014 @ 2:48 PM ♥

On this Valentine's Day... I'm still single. Hahaha.

In my entire life so far, I have only ever spent one Valentine's Day with someone eons ago and it's those super embarrassing puppy love kind that's not worth reminiscing. Therefore Valentine's day doesn't give me good vibes and never fails to remind of how alone I am.

But before you think I am about to wallow in self-pity, what I meant is 'alone' in terms of no boyfriend lah. Not the emo, depressed and sad kind. In fact, life is so good being single that I can't imagine myself dating a guy. Plus, I am very awkward and extremely shy around guys who aren't my buddies.

This is why I always feel that maybe I won't ever get attached in this lifetime or maybe God just doesn't have someone in mind for me.

Losing hope and losing faith but I was touched and enlightened when I came across a well-written piece of letter to a future lover that a friend posted onto my Facebook wall.

The writer expresses how a single person feels beautifully with words and so much hope and positivity. It's almost how I have always dream of love to be and what I have been telling myself secretly whenever I feel like I need a boyfriend.

So to all the singles out there:

There’s a possibility though, that you (future lover) don’t exist, and I’m writing this letter for no one. But in spite of all the cynicism I’m entitled to, I have to believe that you’re out there somewhere. I have to believe that all the heartache I’d ever had to endure will someday lead me to you. I have to believe that God created you because He knew I would need you. And while I know I’m a complete person on my own, I have to believe that someone like you exists, someone who might not complete me, but can make life better. More beautiful. More colorful. A man who can make me believe in love again. (link)

As cliche as it sounds, we have to believe that if it's meant to be, it will find a way to you somehow or another.

Love will find a way.

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