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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic.
Values family ties and friendships.
In love with vanilla ice cream.

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Of Life and Death

written on Thursday, May 1, 2014 @ 3:35 PM ♥

Woke up at 630 am today and gathered with the paternal side for breakfast before starting the rituals and heading to the crematorium.

Pretty sad and depressing start to my Labour Day holiday huh?

But the perks of having a big external family is that there's many around to share the grief and lean on for support. Plus the solemn mood is made a lot better with fun loving cousins.

From the hospital visit to the funeral and then cremation - all of it was over in just a week. Everything just happened so fast.

Watching the coffin get sent into the furnance was definitely the most heart-breaking moment of the day. Calling out to her and all. Sigh.

No one will be with you forever, so it's really important to cherish and love those around while you still can.

A very important reminder not to take our loved ones for granted.

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