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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic.
Values family ties and friendships.
In love with vanilla ice cream.

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Looking back on 2013

written on Monday, January 13, 2014 @ 9:25 PM ♥

This post is 13 days late because I fell sick on the first day of 2014 which is supposed to sound sad and depressing but on the contrary, I couldn't be happier lol! Fell sick just when I needed an excuse to take a break from work. Awesomeee.

In a blink of an eye, one of my most difficult year has passed and damn am I relieved! Though I have no idea if 2014 will treat me any better, re-starting a year is enough to send me some much-needed positive vibes.

Though the year had been full of hiccups here and there, there were still many things I am thankful. Here's looking back on my 2013.

The Year In Review: 2013

1. Left my job at Churp Churp
This is, without doubt, the most significant event in the year for me. (more)

I made a bold move to leave Churp Churp (my first job) without finding another job beforehand because it just didn't feel right anymore. It was a difficult decision for me which took months and heaps of internal struggling before I could come up with a conclusion. Till now, it deeply saddens me that I have to leave behind almost 2 years of hardwork, a group of close working buddies and an interest that was slowly developing into passion.

Our favourite Kin Tub Thai Steamboat
1B Lorong 13 Geylang, Singapore 388639

Female 50 Gorgeous People Event at Zouk

I had many memorable moments, learned a great deal, met amazing people and truly enjoyed myself to the fullest during my stint there. I am really thankful for all of that especially the working buddies which I am still very attached to even till now.  :*)

2. Picked up French
Finally went to sign up for French classes at Alliance Française! (more)

A language that I have been wanting to pick up since secondary school days. The lessons are starting to get tougher as they introduce more and more vocabulary and grammar to us. I think I have this confused look on my face 70% of the time hahaha! But with it comes a huge sense of fulfillment when you find yourself being able to understand more and more short phrases of French progressively. Fighting!

3. Travel (JB, Vietnam, Korea & China)

(to be updated)

4. Cooks and Bakes
Managed to do more cooking and baking this year which was inspired by the Nuffies hahaha. They started bringing their own self-prepared lunches and so I tried preparing my own too! Then it slowly evolved from there.

Pan fried salmon with asparagus, carrots, broccoli and button mushrooms.

Recipe here.

Recipe here.

Recipe here.

5. Christmas
I had the most amazing Christmas this year which I feel thankful for, even till now.

Christmas gatherings were spreaded over 2 weekends and spent with many of my dearest and closest friends. Every gathering was especially memorable and special to me because as I said before, I had a tough year in 2013 even up till December. They made me realised that I have so much more in my life and that I am never alone. It's also special because I didn't used to enjoy Christmas (being #foreveralone) up till this year.  :*)

First up was when Ning invited Ying Xian and I to help out for a charity event at Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital. We agreed enthusiastically because we were supposed to meet for our own Christmas exchange on that day anyway.

I had sooo much fun mingling with the children with special needs and because it's nearing Christmas, it felt really good being able to bring a little festive joy to their tiny hearts!

Next up was dinner and Christmas exchange with the people I love! We had so much fun and laughter fills the air whenever we're together. This gathering is made more joyous when we all fished out our presents for our secret santee and start exchanging them! The opening of presents, revealing it to all of us and happy faces - this is Christmas!

Christmas with Dorm 102 at my place! We had a sumptious potluck and I roasted a chicken for the first time. Kept my fingers crossed and it turned out reaally goood!! Some of them stayed overnight after that and we chatted, played mahjong and had breakfast togther the next morning.

Lastly, the annual Bo Chups Christmas gathering!

There's so many of us so it's always very difficult for all of us to meet up. Christmas however, is one good time when most of us will make extra effort to come to meet so we had a great time catching up.

My longest group of friends!

I will be blogging more about my Christmas soon because I think it deserves a post itself!

6. #OOTD (Outfit of the Day)
Last year was the year of #OOTDs and with everyone posting about the #OOTDs on instagram, I just had to join in.

Warning: Flood of insta posts ahead.

And that's my 2013 for you.

It's been a tough year but it has also made me realised that I have a lot to be thankful for. I learned a lot going through the difficult times too so it might just be a blessing in disguise?

Well, Life is good. Stay positive Hui Xian!

So... 2014, I'm ready for ya! Bring it on!

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