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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic.
Values family ties and friendships.
In love with vanilla ice cream.

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Something new

written on Monday, November 18, 2013 @ 11:02 PM ♥

Today is that start of my third work week at an entirely new place.

I'm finally ready to blog about my new job because the past two weeks have been a hell of a roller coaster ride for me.

For the past two weeks, I was ready to quit any moment and I tried very hard to persuade myself to stay. In fact I think I tried too hard to persuade myself to like my new job. I even teared silently while working HAHAHA. So embarrassing omg.

The constant gloomy weather this month made it even worse and I even tripped and fell in the rain on my way home one day. Had to continue walking to the bus stop as if nothing happened to save myself from embarrassment while blood drizzled down my shin. This made me wanna cry even more.

I blame it on PMS for making me a sensitve emo bitch.

I am usually clumsy so for that I have no one to blame.

But anyway, I couldn't get used to the new environment and have a hard time convincing myself that this is it. This is where I will be working for the next two years of my life (hopefully).

Because. It's really different.

I used to work in an open environment with people my age. We used to mix work and play together so I guess that motivates us to work hard because after which we can play hard too. Most of times we blurred the lines between work and play and I get confused on what is exactly work and what exactly is play. You answer emails/messages and attend events after working hours and on weekends, which sounds like it suck but sometimes you have fun and enjoy yourself at the same time too.

Now, I work in a cubicle and I am the youngest there. Everyone leaves the office on the dot and nobody stays till late. Work is work and play is play. (But don't misunderstand, my colleagues are really nice so far!) There is no need to work overtime or on the weekends. I cannot say I totally enjoy work for now, but I'm still learning and I have picked quite a few new and interesting things here and there which is cool. I love learning new things!

Even the target audience is totally different!

But one day, I suddenly realised I shouldn't be comparing this with my first job and why am I forcing myself so hard for. Siao.

No two jobs can ever be the same and I wouldn't be gaining anything from this if it's the same. If I like it, I stay; if I don't like it, I go. Simple as that.

Since then, just like magic, work really got better! We have quite a few exciting projects coming up and it continues to excite me more and more although I still need some time to get closer to my new colleagues :/

It's still very different but that's good what! I hope its somewhere I can learn and absorb as much as I can, push myself beyond my limits and gain more experience and exposure.

Just today, we went out for a short market survey and my mentor kindly explained to me a lot things about our competitors and business model. Getting to know more about marketing. Finally.

I hope I get to go out of the office more, meet more people my age and do more stuff on social media because it's a skill I don't wanna lose. So far, all of it seems possible so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best!

Have faith, work hard and amazing things will happen.


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