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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic.
Values family ties and friendships.
In love with vanilla ice cream.

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je t'aime cours de français

written on Sunday, November 24, 2013 @ 11:42 PM ♥


Haven't been updating my blog about the recent joy in my life but you can probably guess what it is when you read the title and see the picture above - taking French classes!

It has always been a wish of mine to pick up French since secondary school. If I have went with the poly route, I would've taken French as an extra language in school and fulfilled this little wish of mine. But I went the JC route  :/

After that it's either no time or no money, but it has been always at the back of my mind.

A few months ago while I was job searching and feeling bored, I went to sign up for it at Alliance Française and have never looked back since!

It's super tiring rushing to class after work but once I reached and settled down, my happiness level peaked immediately. I am always 30 minutes late because of the location of my office so my teacher likes to pick me to read out or answer questions, which I quite like actually because I get to be corrected if I am wrong hahahaha!

It will be my sixth lesson next week and I enjoyed every single one. It makes my mid-week more bearable too because I attended the Wednesday class. I usually look forward to Wednesdays to relax and learn french, then Fridays to have fun and the weekends! One week passed just like that wooo!

It's tickles me whenever I hear us repeating words after our teacher because you can hear everyone pronouncing "le" "la" "un" "eu" randomly in class. This always makes even the more manly classmates (like those in their 30s, 40s) giggle LOL!! Just this week, my indian classmate sitting beside me was trying to pronounce a word but after hearing everyone's pronounciation he kept turning to me and laugh hahaha!

It's interesting how we're all so different (nationalities, age, occupation) but in that classroom we are all just enthusiastic and giggly students.  :D

I'm glad I found my love for French this year because it has been a really trying year for me. Most of my year is spent either feeling sad, depressed, angry, stressed out, alone or just unhappy. At least one thing did turn out good before 2013 ends.

Hoping that my energy and enthusiasm for French will keep up and continue for long!

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