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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
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In love with vanilla ice cream.

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Lychee Chiffon Cake

written on Sunday, November 17, 2013 @ 9:55 PM ♥

After my first try at baking a cake (Cranberry Orange Walnut Loaf), I went on to experiment a tougher recipe that requires the use of a mixer - a Chiffon Cake.

Chiffon cakes look so light, fluffy and simple so I thought it would be pretty easy to bake.

But I was so wrong.

I have to confess. I bought a small mixer specially for this and it's my first time using one hahaha! I'm a total noob at baking.

With that, I wasted 14 eggs last Sunday while figuring out how to beat the egg whites till they foam and peak. In the end, I gave up and just poured the failed meringue into the tube pan. No surprise, the end product suck because it was too dense and wet. Pretty heart broken that I had to throw out all my hardwork because the cake was inedible.

Promised myself I'd give it a try again and thank god it turned out okay this time round! I was so worried about the meringue so I youtubed a video to see how the whites should be like while beating it hahhaha.

The cake can be fluffier though because my meringue is still not foamy enough but it's a good try!

There's tiny bits of lychee inside and it smells so sweet because of the lychee essence, lychee fruit bits and lychee syrup added. I love lychee!

If you're a fan of chiffon cakes and are looking to try out something other than the usual pandan chiffon cake, try baking this! Recipe below:

Lychee Chiffon Cake
recipe makes one 28cm chiffon cake

Prep Time 20mins
Cook Time 45mins

Part A
7 egg yolks
50g sugar
80ml lychee juice from the can
a pinch of salt
1tsp lychee flavour ess
4 tbsp veg oil
110g cake flour
1 tsp baking powder
Few drops of yellow or pink colouring

Part B
100g lychee, drained & dried
Pinch of cake flour

Part C
7 egg whites
100g sugar
½ tsp cream of tartar

Prep and Cooking Instructions Method
(Part A)
Mix egg yolks, sugar, salt, oil, lychee juice and colouring in a mixing bowl.
Fold in sifted flour until a batter is formed.

(Part B)
Squeeze out all the juice from lychee, cut to small bite-sized and dry it with kitchen paper.
Sprinkle with a pinch of cake flour to remove dampness.
Set aside.

(Part C)
Whisk egg white and cream of tartar until foamy.
Add in sugar and continue to beat at high speed until peaks form.
Gently fold beaten egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture until well mixed.
Pour half the batter into a chiffon cake mould and add in the lychee bits around followed by the rest of the batter.
Bake in a preheated oven at 170C for 30 - 40 minutes or until cooked.
Remove from oven and invert cake pan to cool.

Additional Comments About this Recipe 
Do not try to attempt to add in more lychee as it will sink to the bottom if too much and the cake will be too damp. *Cake need to be consume within 2days*


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