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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic.
Values family ties and friendships.
In love with vanilla ice cream.

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Humpty Daddy Had a Great Fall

written on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 @ 3:22 PM ♥

Dad had a fall at work last friday and a pole hit his knee after the fall which made it worse. He called me while I was nua-ing at home to accompany him to the hospital. I was like "woah!" and panicked a little. Since then he has been limping around with a crutch and spending a lot of time at home.

Which means spending a lot of time with me hahaha.

Usually I'll wake up late and spend my day brunching at home then surfing the net or watching tv. But with him around I gotta accompany him for lunch everyday at the coffeeshop below our house. He gets bored easily and keeps wanting to go here and there. So after that we'll take a slow walk around the neighbourhood then back home.

He'll irritate me. I'll irritate him. We'll quarrel. Then we're okay with each other the next minute.

Family relations... It's complicated.

Anyway, I'm really thankful that he's recovering bit by bit and is not suffering from any fractures or break any bones.

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