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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic.
Values family ties and friendships.
In love with vanilla ice cream.

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Life can be beautiful, if you let it

written on Friday, September 13, 2013 @ 2:42 PM ♥

Everytime I come across an article online, it feel as if the article is speaking to me. A few days ago, I came across an article on twitter via Tiny Buddha which reassured me of my insecurities nowadays. Just feel like sharing some parts of it.

The context of the article is about waiting for a bus that took a little too long to come with an granny, a mother and a child.

Buses sometimes come in threes because our journey in life isn’t always the same; it isn’t always predictable. Three buses at once is a blessing, three vehicles for you to choose from, three choices instead of one.

You see, the journey did have beauty. It had a child finding magic in an interaction with another human being, in the warmth of the sun, in the opportunity to stop and play. Unfortunately, some of us sometimes get caught up in getting from A to B.

We sometimes don’t appreciate what’s right in front of our eyes. Sadly, on this day, the mother missed a few precious moments of her daughter growing up.


As we grow from child to adult, at some point we stop imagining. We stop dreaming. We focus on the details of everyday life that are inconsequential.

A bus is a vehicle. It simply gets us from A to B. We can choose if we want to appreciate the journey.

Appreciate your travels today. There is beauty in every one of them.

Whenever you find yourself getting annoyed, impatient, or frustrated with your journey, ask yourself these questions:

What’s the hurry? What can I appreciate right now? What opportunity has this delay given me? What am I really being impatient with? What am I missing by being this way?

What would a child do right now? What’s truly important to me and what action should I take that I haven’t been?

Powerful questions ground us. They make us reflect, think, and discover. They get us to challenge our assumptions and confront our thoughts.

Do something childlike on every journey you take. Skip to the supermarket. Sing in the elevator. Stop and look all around you. Just see, hear, and appreciate. Life can be beautiful if you let it.

I know you worry about not being able to find a job.
And you worry about not being able to find a job that you like.
And you worry about not knowing for sure what you like.
And you worry about interviews.
And you worry about having no income.

But worrying doesn't make you feel better at all.
You know that worrying doesn't help one bit.

Enjoy the moment.
Because its not everyday that you get to wake up late.
Not everyday that you get to make breakfast for yourself.
Not everyday that you have time to clean up your room and spend some time in front of the computer just aimlessly surfing around.

Embrace this moment. And try to keep your worries in a small corner.

Life is good.

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