The Glutton
Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic. Values family ties and friendships. In love with vanilla ice cream. + follow | email | instagram | twitter
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I'm leaving my baby
written on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 @ 10:12 AM ♥
No. I'm not pregnant. Hahaha! I don't mean my "baby" literally, I mean my job turned pet project - Churp Churp. For a long period of time, there was only two people at Churp Churp. And I was the only Community Relations there. So Churp Churp felt like my very own baby as both of us struggled to grow it. Both of us worked very hard. We pacify it when it needs attention, support it when it needs a hand and introduce new things to it for it to grow. Over a year plus, we've been through sunshine, rain and tornado together. The three of us. The tornado especially. Everyday for a few months till 10pm in the office. Woo. Those were the days. With that, I've watched it grow and how we expanded to 4 Churpies now. It's a hell of an experience. And I cherish every moment of it. I'm leaving my baby. But there will always be a part of me there. Labels: Churp Churp 0 comment[s] | back to top |