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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
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On Call 36小時

written on Sunday, October 7, 2012 @ 4:40 PM ♥

Lately, I've been super addicted to this Hong Kong drama - On Call 36小時.

It's an extremely good mix of touching family moments, sweet lovey dovey moments and exciting medical surgeries/procedures inserted at appropriate times during the show. Work's been pretty hectic lately but am so glad I managed to catch the last few episodes of the show.

Love the song theme song sang by Joey Yung (容祖兒) and it fits perfectly to the best part of the show when the guy professes his love to the girl during someone's wedding. Talk about gate crashing someone's wedding lor. But the most important part is.... I really like how the guy grabbed the wedding vows from the priest, then started reciting it and proceed to say how he feels.

The true meaning of for better or for worse:






"If a wedding vow is only recited and not fulfilled,
There will not be any meaning

When she’s young and beautiful, of course there’s love
But when age increases and she is old with wrinkles,
When more and more illnesses arise,
Even witnessing her die of old age,
Do you mean then there’s no love?

Since we won’t abandon each other in the future,
It should be the same in the present
If one doesn’t love another because she’s ill then that’s not true love

No one knows how long or short life would be
Even us as doctors can’t ensure that we’ll live till a hundred years
Hence the wedding vow don’t state that both must live till white hairs grow
Instead, the wedding vow states that even in sickness and in health,
Both must be together, do you understand? 

Fan Zi Yu, let me ask you again, in sickness and in health, together,
Are you willing not to abandon me till the end of times?"


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