The Glutton
Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic. Values family ties and friendships. In love with vanilla ice cream. + follow | email | instagram | twitter
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Of convenience and travelling
written on Sunday, October 7, 2012 @ 11:38 PM ♥
This week is probably one of my most hectic week ever.
But I am pretty happy to be able to have a chance to go on a short work trip to Bintan with the bloggers kindly sponsored by Journeyful. An absolutely much-needed break. And to be honest, I'm more than happy, I was freaking excited cos its my first time to Bintan!!!
Reached the ferry terminal a little earlier than the rest so I went to get brunch at the most convenient place on Earth - 7-Eleven. Yum.
And look what I found - Tiramisu! I just haavvee to grab one and try. Darn, there goes my diet plan. They really have anything and everything in 7-Eleven. Even atas desserts that are usually sold in cafes.
Quite happy to be having this for my first meal of the day hahaa!
Then grabbed some tidbits and sandwich for me to eat on the ferry. Tricia saw what I bought while on the ferry and was complaining how she's damn worried I would puked halfway because the ferry ride was very choppy initially. And no. She's NOT worried about me. SHE'S WORRIED I WOULD PUKE AT HER cos she's sitting beside me. Bad friend >:(
Talking about Bintan and food just makes me wanna drop everything and go on a holiday again.
It has always been my wish to explore a different country, or maybe two, every year. However, so far I have yet to visit some where new this year! Holy shit. 3 more months before the year ends!
If you have been following, I was writing on chasing after my dreams the other day and talking about taking a pastry course in Le Cordon Bleu, France and setting up a cafe of my own.
Have always been and still am in love with France. The beauty of the french language, the rich food culture, the vineyards, the fashion capital and one of the most romantic place on Earth.
I would love to go on a trip to France if I were to win the 7-Eleven Leading Brands Contest.
To walk the streets of Milan, drop by a bakery for croissant & coffee (maybe Tiramisu like the above hehe), speak some simple french to the locals, visit the vineyards for a glass of wine and climb up the Eiffel tower for the view at night.
Life would be so good!
Anyway, ending off with this picture I chanced upon and saved it in my phone some time ago.
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