The Glutton
Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic. Values family ties and friendships. In love with vanilla ice cream. + follow | email | instagram | twitter
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A well-deserved break.
written on Saturday, October 13, 2012 @ 3:15 AM ♥
Feeling reeaalllyyy excited for the trip tomorrow!!! I can't wait to be on the plane then sleep and eat and stone and sleep and eat and stone and then on the repeat mode for the rest of the eight days! Last 2 weeks has been real crazy as I've been staying in the office till late to rush my work so I totally need to take a break to rejuvenate myself. It's quite funny because I have no idea if the work I have been trying to finish these two weeks is because of the work itself or because I have to prep everything for the period that I am away. So in other words... I have to work three times harder so I can go on a holiday! Why am I doing this to myself. Previously I wasn't looking forward to it because my mum went to invite my relatives to go with us on our FAMILY trip. (-_-) It's already pretty sad that my brother can't join us for this trip then my mum still have to itchy mouth go and ask all the relatives if they wanna come along... which I'm guessing will be kinda awkward. No cousins. Just my aunts and uncle. Nobody will take stupid jumpshots or camwhore or shop like no tomorrow or eat instant noodles in the middle of the night with me :( Anyway, I have just finished packing and AHHH I CAN'T WAIT!!! I will be heading over to scenic places like Yunan, Dali and Shangri-la. Do they have pandas there? I hope I get to see and touch one! Will be back in 9 days! Bye! 0 comment[s] | back to top |