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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic.
Values family ties and friendships.
In love with vanilla ice cream.

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Hyped up for Iron Man 3!

written on Thursday, April 25, 2013 @ 12:33 PM ♥

I've always been a fan of superheroes and I loveee watching them fly and fight evil with super powers!! Gives me goosebumps whenever that happens because it's so darn cool!!

Headed over to Bugis the other day to check out their booth at Bugis Junction. Thank you Nuffnang!

Loads of eyecandies for fans of Iron Man

Other than figurines, there's a interactive machine brought over by Marvel Studios where you can try being Tony Stark for a few minutes haha! They make use of motion sensor to suit up in the Mark 42 armour then let you try "flying" around and "shooting" discs while in the suit hahahah. It's hilarious watching people "wear" the suit then dance around in it. Super entertaining!

What you see on the screen

What they're doing hahah! (from Marvel SG fb page)

You guys should check it out and TRY THIS WITH A GROUP OF FRIENDS!

I laughed at everyone (even random strangers) who went to try this because it's just so funny to see Iron Man stoning, dancing and twitching.

Bagged home some goodies from the event too wee!

Freebies, food and drink  :D

And I get to try the new Double Down Max burger from KFC. Shiok!

Now all there's left to do is to wait for the movie to start screening, which is just 2 days away! Can't wait to catch it!

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