The Glutton
Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic. Values family ties and friendships. In love with vanilla ice cream. + follow | email | instagram | twitter
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Follow your dreams. Chase after it.
written on Monday, September 24, 2012 @ 12:43 AM ♥
Wanted to talk about chasing after your dreams because I have been feeling very inspired by the people I meet lately who are chasing after theirs. I have always thought that "Following your Dreams" is always just a quote from somewhere, meant to inspire you but no one really ever got to doing it. Like one of those things you always say to a child when he is growing up, daring them to have big ambitions but then when they grow up, things get real and everyone forgets about these dreams... And so, I really thought, dreams only happen when:
"梦想是不可以当饭吃的!" That's definitely what most of us would say. This was until I started working at Churp Churp (the blue bird). Being the nature of my job, it's very fortunate that I get to meet a variety of people everywhere doing many different things. And. Holy shit. There ARE people out there struggling and fighting for their dreams in Singapore every single day. Not in any way more special/rich/highly talented than us, but normal people, just like us. Knowing what they do and face everyday, and yet never giving up has definitely inspired me in many ways. I see the aspiring Singers, Actors and Bloggers working extremely hard despite all insecurities, criticisms and unknowns in the pursuit of their dreams. From an outsider's point of view, it's stupid, short-term and unstable. You don't know when your big break is going to be, probably never. You don't know have have a stable income and no cpf. The time you spent on it so far, outweighs the benefits. There is so many things you can critise about it and precisely because of this, I salute them for their bravery. The courage to follow your dreams. The courage to throw aside everything and just do it. The courage to try. While the rest of us looked on, complained and talked about our big dreams; They are the ones sacrificing everything, giving all that they have and putting their foot forward into the unknown. They are the ones living their dream and doing it. Which often led me to questioning myself... What am I doing with my life? With that, I have decided to start planning and move tiny steps forward to hopefully have a shot at something different. Starting as a hobby and hopefully it goes somewhere. If it doesn't succed, at least I've tried. Okay so I'm gonna list down a few dreams I have in mind.
很多人安于现状,不敢去尝试。 如果不踏出第一步,永远就只能去想象。 只怕一辈子过了,才来后悔。 Labels: Churp Churp, Cook, Dreams, Europe, France, Social Work, Travel, Work 0 comment[s] | back to top |