The Glutton
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Ukulele on!
written on Tuesday, September 25, 2012 @ 1:04 AM ♥
I bought myself an Ukulele as a birthday treat for myself this year!
When I told Rachel I got an Ukulele, she's like "You know how to play meh? You just buy because it's cute, you just wanna spend money and to camwhore one right?".
Nooooo! I am not trying to act as a hippie nor is it for fun. (-_-")
It's just plain interest in it.
I always knew about the Ukulele but have this thinking that it's expensive and only sold in Hawaii. Until a few months' ago, I was talking to this singer I met and we started talking about Ukuleles. She was saying how it's really easy to pick up, like from youtube videos and urged me to go try it.
Since then, I've been toying the idea of getting an Ukulele for fun because I miss the feeling of playing an instrument. My fingers itches to touch an instrument and to play a song, just like the good ol' band days in secondary school. Me and my saxo, and a lot of sweat and blood... lol!
This little thing is not only cute, it's affordable, sounds melodious and chirpy! SO WHY NOT?!
I went off to youtube some videos and wah, looks easy to play leh. Okay buy!
So I urged Ning to accompany me to Ukulele Movement to choose one.
The cheaper ones are surprisingly the prettier and brightly painted ones! They are usually the ones that don't sound that good because of the material that they are made of. Like wood infront and plastic behind. On the other hand, the uglier or rather normal looking ones are the real deal as they sound better because of the wood.
So basically as a beginner who knows nothing about string instruments, I was feeling very lost. I did googled and read up on "Tips on buying an Ukulele" but that didn't help much. We wandered around the store for quite long before getting one of the peeps there to advice us on it.
I'm super noob at this but roughly... here's what the person over there told me to decide before choosing an Ukulele:
For more you can refer to this: http://www.ukulelemovement.com/tips-on-choosing-an-ukulele
The website is really helpful when choosing one. Unless you are choosing because of looks, I bet you are gonna feel so confused when you step inside the store, coupled with the random strummings of the Ukulele here and there, so this helps ALOT!
Anyway, it's been about 2 weeks since I bought mine and ahh... I don't know why but I feel so happy just looking at it. There's this happy and cheerful aura around it lol. But to be honest, IT'S NOT AS EASY AS I THOUGHT!! GG.
I'm still learning some chords here and there by learning simple songs first. Trying to memorise the fingerings and chords. Figuring out how to strum correctly and getting used to the strumming.
But fear not. Practice makes perfect!
Labels: Happy Birthday, Learn, Music, Ukulele 0 comment[s] | back to top |