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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
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In love with vanilla ice cream.

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Liposonix Treatment

written on Monday, August 26, 2013 @ 12:42 AM ♥

I'm turning 25 in a few days' time! 

Time waits for no one man. Dammit. 

Before I truly start to even taste life, I am now in my mid-twenties and I have to start worrying about little wrinkles, saggy eyebags and accumulating fats. You would think that appearance matters to you the most when you were in your teens - all insecure and weak. But no. As I grow older, I realised appearance starts to matters to me more and more... And as girls, you start coming up with regimes like a skincare one then a fitness one amidst all the little time you have each day, all in the name of vanity.

I'm really fine with a skincare regime because it takes less than 15 minutes for me everyday, but I HATE exercising. My lazy bones scream everytime I consider going for a run hahaha. Happens to most of us la hor.

Which is why I think friends always say "Let's just go Lipo (Liposuction) lah" as a joke because it seems fast and easy. But have you seen videos of it on youtube yet? I cringe everytime I watch it because it involves inserting a huge needle into your target area and then the surgeon will do like a tug of war thing with your stubborn fats to suck them out. OUCH!

Then I came across Liposonix which is on an entirely different level. It is a non-surgical, non-invasive  fat reduction treatment that uses high intensity focused ultrasound energy (HIFU) to permanently destroy fat cells. Means there is no need for cutting up any parts of my body and no inserting of any foreign objects into my body - definitely a yay for me because I don't want to be cut up unless it's because I'm giving birth.

Liposonix has been available in the US since January 2012 with 10 years of research and testing behind its development. Which is to say is safe to do because we all know that there is alot of stringent requirements to fulfill for medical drugs or procedures in the US before anything can be made available there.

The Liposonix treatment uses high-intensity focused ultrasound energy to very precisely target specific areas with high energy to destroy fat cells. This, I am imagining little minions running around with ultrasound guns to zap each fat cells. And you don't even have to move a finger when they do that. Shiok.

For the abdomen and flanks area, the Liposonix treatment takes only about an hour (but may vary depending on the treatment area) and holy moly, the fat is permanently destroy in just a single treatment.

The Liposonix treatment doesn't produce the saggy skin that you find with surgical liposuction procedures and gives you a smooth result due to its unique, advanced delivery technology (no lumps or uneven results). Here's a short video about it:

If you're thinking whether you're suitable for Liposonix well, as long as you are active and healthy with at least 1 inch or 2.5 cm of fat to lose in your abdomen or flanks, you are good to go! Especially for those who have some stubborn fats that they have been wanting to lose but disapprove of surgery, it's totally what you need.

With that, here are a list of places that offers Liposonix:

Basically most of us would be afraid of doing any kind of treatments to our body, unless we absolutely need to. But I think there is no harm in wanting to look and feel better because there really is a lot of pressure to maintain a certain kind of "ideal" look in our society.

Zap those stubborn fats away!


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