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The Glutton

Live to eat, laugh and travel.
Inquisitive and enthusiastic.
Values family ties and friendships.
In love with vanilla ice cream.

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Currently addicted to: 빅 BIG

written on Monday, September 9, 2013 @ 11:06 PM ♥

Warning: Random post of me dreaming about kdrama and drooling at a guy.

I enjoy watching Korean Dramas with funny bits and romance thrown in together and this one, is beautifully written!

The story revolves around a student, who finds himself in the body of his teacher's fiance after getting into an accident together. They switched souls and the fiance is in coma. He then falls in love with his teacher while they try to get their souls switched back. Sounds cliche, but every episode brings an unexpected twist so it keeps you wanting to know more!

The first half was cute, funny and sweet as Gyung Joon (the student) flirts and plays around with Gil teacher. Then it gets more and more heartbreaking to watch, as they slowly fall deeply in love with one another but have to keep pulling away from each other because of fate.

Other than that, I admit lah. The male lead is a huge eyecandy for me! My eyes become like this everytime he appears:

Not only is his body hottt, Gong Yoo plays the 19 year old Gyung Joon (the student) character very well.

He is playful, witty and charming when he smiles hehhee.

I'm totally smitten by Gong Yoo.

And here's my favourite song from the drama! 

너라서 (Because of you)

I keep getting scared because I love you
I worry that you might get farther if I get closer
So I can't even talk like a fool

My heart grows faint at the thought of you
I just let out sighs and randomly laugh and cry
It hurts because of you

* Because it's you, because it's you that I love
I can hold it in several times
Because I only knew you from the start

** Because it's all you, because it's you that I miss, I love you
It hurts so much, it's so hard but because it's you, I'm okay

As I always have worried
I look at you, I wait for you and get exhausted
Because of you, I get sad

Because it's you, because it's you that I love

Because it's all you, because it's you that I miss, I love you
I keep getting greedy, I keep crying
Because its you, because it's all you


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